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  • Friday Five: Black men's struggle for work, rising death rates among white U.S. women, and more. Tweet This
  • Friday Five: Aging birds and geriatric bees, a parent's guide to social and emotional learning, and more. Tweet This
Category: Friday Five

A Parent's Resource Guide to Social and Emotional Learning

Black Men and the Struggle for Work
James M. Quane, William Julius Wilson, and Jackelyn Hwang, Education Next

Death Rates for US Women Ages 15 to 54: Some Unexpected Trends
Nan Marie Astone, Steven Martin, and Laudan Aron, Urban Institute

Aging Birds and Geriatric Bees
James and Audora Burg, Sturgis Journal

How a Forgotten 1980s Rule Is Harming American Families
Leah Hamilton, The Weekly Wonk