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  • Polyamory and marriage, the 2024 NARME Summit, and more. Tweet This
  • Get Married w/Brad Wilcox, changes to the brain during pregnancy, and more. Tweet This
Category: Friday Five

Destroying Marriage in Order to Save It
Daniel Frost and Robert P. George, First Things

2024 NARME Summit: Call for Presenters
Applications Due: Monday, Jan. 30
National Alliance for Relationship and Marriage Education

Black Wealth is Increasing, But So is the Racial Wealth Gap
A. Perry, H. Stephens, and M. Donoghoe, Brookings Institution

Get Married: Why Americans Must Defy the Elites, Forge Strong Families, and Save Civilization
w/ W. Bradford Wilcox | February 12 at 5:30 PM | American Enterprise Institute 

Neuroplasticity of First-time Mothers Revealed in Brain Imaging Study
Eric W. Dolan, PsyPost