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  • National Marriage Week 2024, a friendship recession for American men, and more. Tweet This
  • Love vs. politics, NCFR 2024 conference call for proposals, and more. Tweet This
Category: Friday Five

The 2024 National Marriage Week Theme is "Love Beyond Words"
National Marriage Week 2024: February 7 - 14, 2024

Why a Growing Number of American Men Say They Are in a Friendship Recession
Geoff Bennet, PBS News Hour

NCFR Call for Proposals: "Building Resilience Among Individuals, Families, and Communities": Deadline: March 1, 2024
2024 NCFR Annual Conference, National Council on Family Relations

Love vs. Politics: How News Coverage Triggers Fights in Divided Couples
John Anderer, StudyFinds

Growing Ignorance of the Benefits of Marriage—and Why It's Dangerous
Rachel Sheffield, The Daily Signal