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  • Love and lasting marriage, Scott Winship on income equality and social mobility, and more. Tweet This
  • Money culture's conquest of the family, HMRE program activities and outcomes, and more. Tweet This
Category: Friday Five

What's Love Got to Do With a Lasting Marriage?
Shoba Sreenivasan, Ph.D., and Linda E. Weinberger, Ph.D., Psychology Today Canada

Scott Winship on Income Inequality, Poverty, and Social Mobility
Banter: Episode 415, AEI

Proteus Unbound: Money Culture’s Conquest of the American Family
Ian Marcus Corbin, Plough

Pathways-to-Outcomes: How Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Program Activities May Lead to Intended Outcomes
Daniel Friend, OPRE, Administration for Children and Families

USU awarded two $5 million grants for Fatherhood and Relationship Education
Utah State Extension