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  • Increasing youth suicide, the complex world of boys' friendships, and more. Tweet This
  • Supporting military families, the dangerous unrelated male in the home, and more. Tweet This
Category: Friday Five

Study Shows Increase in Youth Suicide Attempts
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

The Secret, Complex World of Boys' Friendships, and How Parents Can Navigate It
Heidi Stephens, Chicago Tribune

Mothers' Partnerships, Men in the Home, and Adolescents' Secondary Exposure to Violence
Robert Crosnoe, Haley Stritzel, Chelsea Smith, & Shannon E. Cavanagh, Journal of Marriage and Family

Why Mothers Matter
Glenn Stanton, Family First New Zealand

MFRI at Purdue University Releases Research and Showcases Innovative Tool to Support Service Members, Veterans, and Families
Purdue University