
Friday Five 554



  1. Your friends might know if you're ready for love, American family life at a crossroads, and more. Post This
  2. Parenthood keeps your brain young, how long-term couples manage stress, and more. Post This

Ready (or Not) for Love? Your Friends Likely Agree
MSU Today, Michigan State University

Crossroads: American Family Life at the Intersection of Tradition & Modernity
Rachel Sheffield and Delano Squires, The Heritage Foundation

How Parenthood May Help Keep Your Brain Young
Rutgers University via Science Daily

How Long-Term Couples Cope with Chronic Stressors and Adverse Life Course Events in Marriage: A Qualitative Study
Christian Heim & Caroline Heim, American Journal of Family Therapy

Parent-child Reminiscing: Supporting Children’s Memory Skills
Oliva Cooke and Jennifer Coffman, Child & Family Blog 


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