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  • Protecting dads' mental health, an ode to the fathers in our lives, and more. Tweet This
  • Brain size and engaged fathers, intergenerational estrangement and moms' mental health, and more. Tweet This
Category: Friday Five

Parenthood Shrinks Brain Volume but Boosts Engagement in Dads
Neuroscience News

FFCWS Invited to Present at NICHD Advisory Council Meeting
Future of Families & Child Well-Being Study, Princeton University

An Ode to the Fathers in My Life
Heather Carson, Intellectual Takeout

How Intergenerational Estrangement Matters for Maternal and Adult Children's Health
Rin Reczek, Mieke Beth Thomeer, Christina Bijou, Journal of Marriage and Family

Why Protecting Fathers' Mental Health is So Important
Michael Merschel, American Heart Association News